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“Waymore is a crucial part of our onboarding process. New hires can look up who someone is, where they sit, who they report to, and learn fun facts about them. It makes them feel connected to the person before a conversation even happens!â€
Great connecting with you
Stacy Ross • People & Talent Partner Trace3
“Before, I was kind of the human company directory, with people constantly asking me to help them find emails and phone numbers. Now, that’s all in one place—and I can be about 50% more efficient. Its exciting to have waymore around’.
Karen Brown Manager HR & Talent Development Maxwell Health
“I’m an executive. When I meet somebody, I need to know who they are and what they do. If I don’t, it doesn’t boost their confidence. It doesn’t strengthen their engagement. Waymore helps me stay on top of these details.â€
Organizational Transparency
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Our inbound leads have grown dramatically from our website, and search optimization that we have hired additional staff to handle our increase sales. Waymore delivered the right audience that we needed